Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
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50th Pokal Loka 2025 - 15th - 16th February 2025

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. Knauf Insulation

All News

Introduction to this year's Pokal loka

17.01.2013, 09:53

The international children competition Pokal Loka will be carried out for the 38th times this year. We started when town Škofja Loka celebrated its millenium in the year 1973. Well, forty years! The organization committee decided to favour this round anniversary at the fortieth execution.

Our feast has never fallen off. Besides the interesting competitions taking place on Stari vrh, Soriška planina and once on Črni vrh and Kranjska gora the parade through the old town was always organized. It could be called "skiing passion" after remarkable Škofja Loka Passion - Processio Locopolitana, the oldest preserved drama text written in the Slovene language. The manuscript was written by Loka's Capuchin Father Romuald - Lovrenc Marušič in the domestic Loka dialect. The passion was performed for the first time on 11th April 1721 and then every year untill 1751. It was awaken repeatedly in the year 1936 and after attaining Slovenian independence in the years 1999, 2000 and 2009. Of course our event can't be comparable with this feast concerning the richness of necessary places, clothing and costs, the execution time and above all the media interest. But the number of appeared persons is nearly equal. And we are volunteers. Anyway the warbling of the children from all continents vivifies the old town every year.

At last we want to stress that we are very proud on the Slovenian skiing star, when winning the SG in St. Anton, ranged among six female skiers with the victories in all five disciplines in the world cup history. Three of them were the winners of Pokal Loka: Petra Kronberger, Janica Kostelić and Tina Maze.   

New entries

14.01.2013, 16:55

Last week we got two new entries: from Argentina and for the first time Kazakhstan, who asks to send them visa invitation to clearify their arrival. Argentinian team is training in Europe. They would like to participate with two teams what is unfortunately against the rules for international children races. There are some organizers that allow some countries coming with two teams, for example Czech Interkriterium and also Whistler. But we treat about 25 to 30 countries every year. And therefore we can't afford more teams because from time to time such wishes appear.        

First entries are coming

09.01.2013, 16:02

The invitation for 38th Pokal Loka was sent to more than fifty countries some days before Christmas. Our friend dr. Jenny Shute already announced GBR team arrival and asked to accomodate them to Pension Paleta as always. It looks like that women are well disciplined. So the second was our friend from Russia Olga Koletchkina who is now preparing the young athletes for Olympic games in Sochi. And the third were Norwegians, responsible for youth programme Stefan Johnsen Havnelid.

Welcome in Skofja Loka!      

38th Pokal Loka programme

08.01.2013, 13:31

In the attachement you will find the programme for 38th Pokal Loka.

Happy new year!

27.12.2012, 12:27

Meeting in Whistler

29.10.2012, 11:31

On 13th October a regular meeting of the organizers of international children competitions in alpine skiing took place in olympic Whistler in Canada. Enclosed you can find the minutes of the meeting and the calendars for next two seasons.

Pokal Loka video

01.04.2012, 21:08

Video from Pokal Loka 2012 has been added to our gallery. It is available on Youtube via this link: