Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
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50th Pokal Loka 2025 - 15th - 16th February 2025

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. Knauf Insulation

RULES OF COMPETITION 50th Pokal Loka 2025

1. Type of competition

POKAL LOKA is an international children’s competition registered in the FIS calendar.

2. Categories

Category Age
U14 - Children I 2011 - 2012
U16 - Children II 2009 - 2010

3. Disciplines

Discipline Category Rules
Slalom U14 - Children I vertical drop 100 - 160 m
number of direction changes 32-38% of the vertical drop, +/-3
  U16 - Children II vertical drop 100 - 160 m
number of direction changes 32-38% of the vertical drop, +/-3
Giant slalom U14 - Children I vertical drop  200 – 350 m
number of direction changes 13-18% of the vertical drop
  U16 - Children II vertical drop  200 – 350 m
number of direction changes 13-18% of the vertical drop
2 runs

4. The right of participation and quota regulations

All FIS member countries have the right to take part in the competition. The quota per nation is max. 4 Children I (U14) and 6 Children II (U16) resulting in the total number of max. 10 competing athletes per nation. No more than 4 athletes of the same sex may be registered within each category. Organizing nation is entitled to a double quota, that is max. 20 competing athletes.

Under regular circumstances, the max. number of competing athletes must not exceed 140 (ICR 608.4.2). Pursuant to ICR 608.4.3, the organizing nation may register more than the double quota of participants.

For team evaluation, only the team declared at the first team captains meeting as "A" will be considered.

All competitors must be registered with national ski associations, have insurance coverage and a signed permission from their parents. Technical delegate of FIS inspects all the required documents.

5. Competition procedure

Competition is aimed at individual and team placement. In team placement the sums of all points are calculated according to the procedures of the old principle of world cup.

In case of an equal number of points, the country with a higher point placement is the winner.
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Points 25 20 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

6. Prizes

Prize name Description
POKAL LOKA 2025 best team
Gold medal first place
Silver medal second place
Bronze medal third place
Other awards up to fifth place

7. Allotment into groups and start order

(FIS Instruction Leaflet, 2023, ICR 608.5.2 )

Start order for groups is made by the jury. In each group, each participating nation is allotted one starting place max.

If more than 15 nations have registered, the following principles apply:

Group 1:

  • First group will contain one athlete from each nation registered. Each nation is allotted only one start place.

Group 2 - 3 - 4:

  • Same as group 1.

Group 6 – 7 – 8 - ... :

  • Last group consists of athletes of the organizing nation in double quota. If the number of competing athletes exceeds double quota, a separate group will be drawn after the entire starting field in the same procedure as group 1.
  • Team leaders are responsible for identification of participants in each group.
  • Each group is drawn separately.
Starting order for the second run is determined by the result list of the first run, except for the first 30 competitors who will start in reverse order of their placement in the first run.

8. Competition

The competition follows international ski competition rules, with a FIS technical delegate present during the event. The competitors compete at their own risk and/or at the risk of those who sent them. Organizers decline any responsibility in case of injury to the participants or a third party.

9. Expenses

The expenses of the accommodation are covered by each national team for their competitors. The expenses of the lifts, for two days of competition are covered by organiser, according to the following rule:

  • 1-3 competitors  + 1 trainer, 
  • 4-6 competitors + 2 trainers. 

For other competitors and trainers, the expenses of the lifts are covered by each national team.

10. Entries

Entries must be submitted to the Organization Committee of the POKAL LOKA by
11th February 2025 on official site for application. Write for your personal link to e-mail adddress:

11. Other regulations

General information for entry is provided at the governmental resource

12. official contacts:

GSM: +386 (0)41 609 892 Janez DEKLEVA
GSM: +386 (0)40 397 181 Saša MATEK
OC 50th POKAL LOKA 2025
p.p. 78